
Friday, October 08, 2010

It seemed like forever and maybe a day... we waited, we hoped, we built faith, we lost faith, we were hopelessly hopeful - but somehow it never left us, the desire to be parents. Every new life around us would inspire us to be hopeful that our time would come. So what if its a few years later, so what if it may not be our own flesh and blood - it will be our's. After chalking our numerous plan B-s and plan C-s, it looks like plan A worked out.
One fine saturday afternoon in the fall of 2010 we found out that our little bundle of joy was soon to arrive. Our hearts filled with prayers - to thank whatever higher power there is.
It started out as being unbelievable... within a few days it started settling in that we are actually going to be parents. We were finally seeing our dream come true right before our eyes. Inspite of that - we were a little scared to start dreaming and planning yet. The first 3 months are important to wait out - so we decided to only tell a couple very close friends and our parents. Their happiness started spilling over into our's and slowly but surely we started feeling the immense excitement that we had been waiting to feel for so long.

Its been a little over a month that we found out and it still feels brand new to us. We saw the little one a couple times (thanks to ultrasounds) and it was a rush. It will be hard to be patient till our next ultrasound - but it will totally be worth the wait.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The toddler marriage...

My better half and I completed 4 years of togetherness today. It feels good to know that a lot of things have changed in these 4 years. There were highs and lows as always... but the only thing constant for both of us is - we are still newly weds at heart.

Recently I heard the song "Sajda" from MNIK. Since I am already a little mushy these days - this song increased my mush factor 10 or maybe 100 folds.

I have been writing this post for a couple days now. It started with me thinking I want to write something on our anniversary - now I find myself here (2 days later) thinking how we have perfect pictures painted in our minds and never know when to stop wanting everything to be perfect.

Let me explain - recently I spoke to a person - quiet close to me. She is single, her parents are looking... she is denying the need for companionship. I am listening and thinking - you will know when you are old and lonely one day - life will just fill your pockets with bitterness but you will not know how to make it better.

Her main fear is - what if I meet someone from either family connections (read recommendations) or online matrimonial websites and it fails. In this day and age we run the risk of having a failed relation with our parents - forget the person we met half way through our lives. She also fears adjustment - does anything come without adjustments these days? Even the rod for the shower curtain needs to be adjusted to fit the space! Why do we fear adjustments? I think adjusting is part of knowing someone - when you know how the other person reacts to you - you adjust - it is a showing of respect and understanding.

So many people in the course of their lives fail to see that. accommodating and adjusting aren't so bad - in fact they are the mortar that make us stick. Its what shows the other person - you care and they care back.

I am all for adjusting... if I live a life with no adjustment and no room for someone else... won't it just end up being all about me and others adjusting for me? Why expects others to do for me what I refuse to do for them?