
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Promises are made to be broken

Or are is a verbal contract that we make whether to ourselves or to others. A contract is a contract. There were times when people would take someone's spoken words for face value and believe. In this day and age it is hard to believe and rely on what is said. Myself included - I think its OK to go back on spoken words - the excuse - things changed, plans changed, state of mind changed. So what? When I say I will do something or be somewhere - I don't know what makes it alright for me to just say - well let me take a raincheck.
So here's a verbally binding contract for myself - I will do my best to not commit to anything that I don't intend on doing. It might be as simple as "I'll call you"... or as important as "I will pick it up for you".
These are some foundations that we as human beings need to lay for generations after us. If we make it seem OK to go back on one's words - there is a high chance that they will disregard all of what is said to them and return the favor!
I know resolutions are blown off in a way because its alright to break them. Well, not this one - not this time. I will keep it. It isn't difficult if we make up our minds. It will lay a foundation for an honest future - however small the scale be.

Note to self: Live by what you say and stop to think for a second before you say it.

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